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Artist Efrossini Chaniotis was born in Adelaide, South Australia where she received intitial training in sculpture, intstallation and performance art. She went on to study in Europe at the Athens & Madrid Schools of Fine Art, specialising in painting and drawing... [Read More]

Artist Efrossini Chaniotis

Artist Efrossini Chaniotis was born in Adelaide, South Australia where she received intitial training in sculpture, intstallation and performance art. She went on to study in Europe at the Athens & Madrid Schools of Fine Art, specialising in painting and drawing.

Over the last 23 years  Efrossini has developed a unique visual style charactersied by its narrative themes and evocative colour. Her work 'pulls at the heart strings’ and resonates with people’s inner storyteller to welcome the imagination..

Whilst studying Fine Arts in Greece Efrossini was a member of a Byzantine iconography guild and a theatre set assistant. Efrossini has worked as an llustrator, graphic designer and applied her skills to theatre set, costume and interior design. She has also made mural art for schools and retail shops, and facilitated creative expression workshops.

Effie is now living and making art in Melbourne, Australia.

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